Just my Opinion

My Magic Mushroom Experience in the Mountains of Oaxaca Mexico

This year for my birthday I was planning on meeting up with Snake Venom guy for another treatment of venom but plans change and he couldn’t meet up with me but I decided to continue on my journey to San Jose Del Pacifico and experience fresh, young, Magic Mushrooms. Why not!!!!

Magic Mushrooms are becoming all the rage in North America as it has helped many people with depression, anxiety and help regulate mood swings which is needed in our society of confusion after COVID. Our mental health as a society is under threat and we all live in heightened awareness of stress, negativity and poor energy.

So off to San Jose del Pacifico I went which is far into the Sierra Sur Mountains at an elevation of 8360 feet above sea level and to reach it is a long narrow mountain road for 3 hours from an airport. Once you arrive in San Jose Del Pacifico the town is small and quaint.

I arrived in the start of the rainy season which is from July to October. This is the best time to forage for mushrooms as it’s their growing season. Once I arrived I had a small cabin with a tin roof so you could hear the rain which is magical in itself.

San Jose del Pacifico is cold so wear layers – lots of them as you will need it.

Once I arrived I went for a walk into the town and since I was by myself I dressed down – looking like a bum with braided hair. I just walked around the town to find the right energy and I did. I walked into this small shop where this older lady was selling tinctures and small jars of creams. I could tell she made these herself so I asked her to take me foraging for magic mushrooms every morning and what is her cost. I don’t speak Spanish but thank God for modern technology as you can speak into your phone and get everything translated – WIFI is really spotty in San Jose so I paid for World Data. So for 250 peso I met with her every morning for our shroom foraging journey.

Picking and foraging for magic mushrooms or any healing plant is a journey so positive energy and mindset is always needed. Plants and nature have a way to heal our mind and soul if we allow them to help us. So with this positive energy – every morning we found magic mushrooms. These are young mushrooms as July is the start of the season. Older mushrooms are what we dry and experience in Canada – which are more visual and higher levels whereas young magic mushrooms are about finding your internal peace which is why they are more spiritual.

I found two different types of Magic Mushrooms see the picture and then read below the differences.

The darker stems and heads are Psilocybe Oaxacana which is the more popular of the species of psychedelic mushrooms in the family of Hymenogastraceae a native to Oaxaca area.

The second group is Psilocybe Aztecorum which still under the family of Hymenogastraceae however these are harder to find in the start of the rainy season and these are called the Flesh of God as they are regarded as very spiritual.

Foraging for mushrooms in San Jose del Pacifico are found in the woody debris on the mountain floor – just look for the pine trees called Montezuma as they seem to be connected with this type of tree.

When consuming fresh picked magic mushrooms you need to wash them and wash them well with bottled water and then just eat them. So many people have stomach issues when consuming shrooms therefore always ensure lots of water and what I take are Baby Arrowroot biscuits which helps coat the stomach. Consuming fresh mushrooms are not as hard on the stomach as dried shrooms. Also potassium is needed so one or two bananas can help after you have consumed a few grams.

So the spiritual journey – WOW – for 3 days in the mountains I consumed fresh mushrooms and enjoyed my peace by just sitting on a cliff – watching nature. The clouds moving through the mountain tops, the rain pouring down, the butterflies flying around, the sun beating down – all the experiences of finding your core with nature. That is exactly what fresh young magic mushrooms are all about – finding your peace within – from the beginning – so innocent and simple – just looking inside yourself for the parts that made you happy.

That is the journey of fresh magic mushrooms and I still feel a peace within me days later as you have to accept this positive change and keep it within yourself.

The future of Magic Mushrooms – they are becoming more and more popular and I want people to experience this positive journey. Shrooms can help you but you have allow a natural product into your body. And by allowing this natural medicine inside you please refrain from mixing alcohol, processed foods, sugars. Allow the shrooms to heal you but you need a clean system to allow the shroom journey to work. But again this is just my opinion and I offer different combinations of magic mushrooms in vegan capsules, dark chocolates or gummies. Check out all my products at https://www.toyzforsex.com/cannabis_infused_products_.html

Thank you for allowing me to sharing my shroom experience with you.

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