Just my Opinion

I attract Narcissistic People including Cults – MY STORY

Since you are read the title – I have a strong Empathic belief system whereas I want to help people or communities who are hurting or who need help. 

I was a sucker in helping people but once I inform them of my boundaries – then they try to blackmail me, publicly insult me, call the police on me, stalk me – the list goes on and on.

I have taken a strong positive hold onto my health journey – which includes my mental health journey. 

I am shocked on how many ASSHOLE people are out their taking advantage of good people.

So what is a Narcissistic person – in layman terms – someone who does not respect other’s personal boundaries and beliefs therefore hurting you via various abusive techniques. Someone who wants to control you, your mind, your body, your finances – anything that you have they want!!!! Narcs want to control everything about you, all serving only their own beliefs and systems. You are a shadow to the Narc or just a servant – a slave only.

A Cult is just a larger body of people who are devoted to one person – like the Jones Town situation, Waco Texas or Ervil LeBron family. Cult leaders are basically Narcs who are extremely good at getting people to follow and worship them into giving themselves 110% to the leader’s cause. No questions asked no opinions and they use Religion as the base. 

I attract Narcs – they flock to me immediately, my personality and my childhood experience are reasons why they are attracted to me – but now I can spot those NARCS a mile away and that is how quickly I picked up on a Cult trying to recruit me.

My experience about the Cult – so on first Friday of 2024, I needed to visit an adult store in Chilliwack and after my store visit – I did a quick internet search for healthy homemade food and up popped – The Yellow Deli. I went to visit this location for lunch. I relaxed in a small corner by the Herbal Yerba Bar and started working on my business paperwork. My lunch at The Yellow Deli was amazing, the food was fantastic yet during my lunch experience so many hippy like people tried talking to me, asking me many questions about my business and myself, as I gave them such praise for their wonderful food. So when leaving they gave me some literature about The Yellow Deli as their organization has been around for 50 years. Then when home with my literature out – I started some internet research – The Yellow Deli is organized by the Twelve Tribes a religion group out of Tennessee USA in the 70’s and all the workers live in a commune, work for free and all extra money goes to the main leaders of the Twelve Tribes. In fact in the internet research they have been accused of Child Labour and Abuse – of course Cults and Narcs love children as they are easier targets for brainwashing. 

Do a search for The Yellow Deli cult and do your research https://www.patheos.com/blogs/nosacredcows/2020/08/if-theres-a-yellow-deli-in-your-town-you-may-want-to-read-this/

So recruiting for a Cult is exactly like a Narcissistic individual looking for slaves. That is the word I feel these people want – Slaves – therefore you have no opinion, no believes you are just a slave to the Narc or Cult.

So if you are with a Narc or in a Cult – get out and become your own person and join a community where your voice and opinions are heard and respected.

So this is my experience and hope I wont be taking anyone’s Kool Aid – sorry NO.

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